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Google Assistant and Self Controlled Robotic Car

It can be controlled through Google Assistant, Webpage, Bolt mobile app, and also it is capable of self-controlling its movements.

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Bolt WiFi Module
Bolt IoT Bolt WiFi Module
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
l293d Motor Driver
IR Range Sensor
Digilent IR Range Sensor
DC Motor, 12 V
DC Motor, 12 V
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable

Software apps and online services

Bolt Cloud
Bolt IoT Bolt Cloud
Bolt IoT Android App
Bolt IoT Android App
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Maker service
IFTTT Maker service
Assistant SDK
Google Assistant SDK

Hand tools and fabrication machines

car chassis


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