This program is for Displaying data that Entered on the Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE. Component required Arduino Uno 16x2 LCD Screen Potent...Read More
Display Serial Data on 16X2 LCD
Reviewed by Abhishek Sharma
March 09, 2021
Rating: 5
Here we take an example of a Led to control it through Bluetooth Module - HC05 Component Required Arduino Uno Bluetooth Module HC05 Led Jump...Read More
Control Devices through Bluetooth Module HC05
Reviewed by Abhishek Sharma
March 05, 2021
Rating: 5
I am a final year undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Haryana Engineering College which is affiliated with Kurukshetra University.
I am interested to work with technologies like Embedded Systems, IoT, and Cloud Computing.
I am excited to work with development boards like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Bolt IoT Module, STM32 Board, etc.
I am interested in working with programming languages like C, Python, Matlab, and hardware languages like Verilog, System Verilog, Embedded C, Arduino C, and mbed programming.
I am also interested in web development languages like HTML, CSS, and javascript.
Occasionally, I also work on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.
I also love to participate in Hackathons and Tech Events, I have participated in many Hackathons and tech events and won prizes.
I recently won a Hackathon which was organized by Haryana Engineering College, Where I and my team successfully made a working prototype of Smart City.
In my free time, I like to make robotics devices, read about ancient architecture, technology, and current tech news.